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Acrostic Poem For Your eyes

Yes! ScreaMing In crAzy sTupenDous fire, your eyes 
Open Pure Epic NonhuMan bOundlEss delight. 
Up, eAsefuL, I Sail Away CaptiVe: Their bright light 
RechaRges ThrifTily My waRm coOlness. Likewise 
EmbarKed, I floAt, FAr, cAlm, Thought free and neglectful. 
YoungLy fiNespuN, fiZzy, Zany In a sweet way, 
ExaltEd, mAdly TrancEd, mElodiOusly away, 
SwimmIng iN magIc enDeareD graNd thoughts, I feel full. 
your eyes sparkle. I melt in an instant. I am amazed to crazed devotion