Acrostic Poem For Your words
Your wordS crafT pleaSure poignAntly with each phrase and
Offer somE impoRtant WisdOm. FiNe, funny, grand,
Unique, rEgardfUl, deEp, ForwarD, truthful, fun, planned,
ResearcheD, suPEr, thEy sWay. CHarmful, cheerful, thoughtful
Witful, pAssionAte, sTirrIng trUly, you are full
Of touchiNg briGht seLfleSs warM kindness. Never bland,
Rare qualIties Lead yOu. Dear gOld fairy, thank you.
Dear soliCitor Of flaVorsOme paRadise,
Sending mE to sWeet nEat Magic land... you ARE nice!
Your words seed a nice true aglow, sweet love of wisdom and humor.