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Acrostic Poem For Michelle

MagMa exhAusT's nuT sWirls DynAmize Crazily. 
InsAne fiRe Heat fOrgEs firEwoRks. sHeer passion 
CentrifugEs A fun GodLy strAngE satiAtion. 
HumBly, sWeeTly, dEepLy, I RelAx. A Richly 
EasEful fOrce exciTes heavenwaRdly. Momently 
LulLing, RinGing cHorAlly mY bEst drEams, a sweet 
LulLaby, DevOted, EdeN's snOwbAll, pRiceless, 
EndEars, Softly spReaDs, blUntLy melts... I am speechless 
Michelle - ma belle are words that go, together well and, dear, you are a real charmer