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Acrostic Poem For Rita

Lifted By your cLose, beYond doubT, and harmonious 
Old friEndship; Overly lOvely, soOthing, gracious, 
Very asSistive, Valued, Upbeat, sMart, serious, 
ElaboraTe; I votE your rAre kindnEss precious. 
Lively Friend, aLl the tRueness you demonstrate is 
Your auReole. BeYond wisE, you words are sound, please, 
ReappraIse my coGency, ADding logic to 
IncreasE my abilIty to rEjoice... live too. 
To an iNtimate, Real, deAr bond, I wish no end. 
All my Dear, accLaims ceRtainly you're my best friend 
Lovely Rita, best friend, lovely girl, you are dear to me