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Acrostic Poem For Elizabeth

ExalteD, I sMile. RavingLy, lost in artful 
Loony JawbreAking EquatiOns, I compute your 
ImpassIoned Godly Sweet Vanilla scent, so pure. 
Zen, iNfinitEly suPine, Eased, I melt. Cheerful, 
AppareNtly aGlow, Extra-Lovely, you charm. 
BringiNg a sOft niCety, You make life sweet and warm, 
EnraptUre. AGaze, TwininG, I am far away. 
TrumpeTs! FeAst! hEaven Awaits: with you, in a way, 
High, SmoothLy sadDled, Life creates a better day 
Vertically: Elizabeth- Djinn, nuts mage, go gal! respected lovely gal 
across: Angel [x3]